The Foundation
& Steps to Building
a Strong Personal

I believe, the Most Powerful Personal Branding is:

      • INSIDE-OUT,
      • TOP-DOWN and

Personal Branding is INSIDE-OUT

Simply put, it’s about discovering your unique self and expressing that best version of yourSelf, talent/skills out to the world.

In my Signature Program I will share with you the 7 Pillars of Personal Branding, starting from your IDENTITY (your Purpose, Core Values, DISC and your Preferred learning styles (VAK+AD). Once you have a clear IDENTITY of who you are, you will be able to project and express that IMAGE YOU which is totally in alignment with your authentic self.

Personal Branding is TOP-DOWN.

          1. PURPOSE
          2. IDENTITY
          3. BELIEFS/VALUES
          4. CAPABILITIES
          5. BEHAVIOUR
          6. ENVIRONMENT

 From the DILT’s Logical Level of Change, we learn that the most profound and effective change is from top-down, starting with PURPOSE.

Criminals who are convicted and put into prison (a new environment), with the old prison system didn’t do much to reform them, because they were stuck at the bottom level (where only the environment was changed).

I know of a drug rehabilitation centre that uses the Top-Down Reform system. The gentlemen who manages the centre opens up the hearts, minds and the spirituality of the inmates. They found their true worth and purpose in life. Many inmates came out of the centre leading a productive and purposeful life.

Personal Branding is INTENTIONAL.

Always start with the best Intention, because “Energy flows where attention goes as directed by INTENTION”.